Why Can 39;t I Open My Facebook App On My I Phone ((EXCLUSIVE))
The Weather app is getting another upgrade to add to its already long list of new iOS 16 features. For select cities, you may see weather-related news articles below the 10-day forecast for the city or region. Tapping an article will open it in the News app. You'll still see these Apple News links if you've deleted the app, but the links will open in your web browser instead.
why can 39;t i open my facebook app on my i phone
In the Weather app, you can open up a large modal sheet to view the daily summary with bar and line charts for most weather attributes on a particular day. Those bar and line charts are interactive, so you can drag your finger across them to see the data values at different times of the day.
While there are still three Continue Playing widgets for Game Center on the Home Screen and Today View, the three Friends Are Playing widgets available on iOS 16.1 and earlier are now called Activity on iOS 16.2, and they work a bit differently. The game will still open if you tape its name or icon in the widget, but a few more things are going on in the new version.
First, you can tap "Activity" to open up a new full-screen Game Center overlay window with more activity details. Second, you can tap a contact's name to open up their profile in the same overlay window. Closing either window takes you back to the widget.
IOS 16.2 shows a notification when you trigger Emergency SOS on your iPhone. When you tap the notification, it opens the Feedback tool, asking for feedback on Unintentional SOS Calls. If you state that you unintentionally triggered Emergency SOS, you'll see more questions, including:
Would someone know how to delete many gmail messages at once, e.g., by sender, before a certain date, etc.? I have an embarrassingly huge number of messages on my iPhone (it makes the phone very heavy). I seem to only be able to delete one at a time. I can list by sender or subject but there isn't a "select all" function for deleting all messages on the list.
Perfectly doable if you're using Gmail. Just open the desktop version on your phone, tablet or PC. At the top of the Inbox window you can search mail and filter results (from, to, subject, date range). You can then click the box at the top of the results to select all then choose to delete, mark as read/ unread, re-label/ assign label. Alternatively, open whatever email software you use on a PC and do similar from it.
Tip: If you change your recovery phone or email, Google may still offer to send verification codes to your previous recovery phone number or email address for 7 days. If someone starts to use your account without your permission, this allows you to quickly secure your settings.
The message is ominous and specific, warning the phone is 28.1% infected by four different viruses. It claims the device's SIM card, contacts, photos, data and applications will be corrupted if you don't immediately download an app to remove the viruses. But our expert says don't worry.
Many people routinely see these once they start browsing the web on their phones. Once the user lands on certain shady or poorly maintained websites that are rife with malicious code, the 'ad' secretly installs itself in your phone's browsing cache so it can later display the pop-up hijacking advertising systems on many popular websites.
Click on the "Post" button and select "Okay." A new window opens, containing a progress bar that will keep you informed on your upload's status. After the video is correctly uploaded, Facebook automatically displays it on your Timeline.
Click on the "Increase your limit" link, select your country and enter your phone number to verify your account. YouTube will send a code to your phone which you will then enter on the next page. Because allowing unverified users to upload full-length videos could potentially result in copyright violations, YouTube requires a user to verify his account before letting him upload long videos. After YouTube has finished verifying your account, return to the "Upload Video Files" page.
How do I create a story highlight on my facebook business page? Been trying for ages and cant find how to do it. I have it set up on my personal facebook page and both instagram accounts but am at a loss on facebook business
Click Continue. At the Profile Information window, review the settings for your phone number, email addresses, and birthday. Click the button next to each one, and choose whether to change it to Public, Friends, Only Me, or a specific Facebook list. You probably want this information to remain private or only visible to friends or a specific group. When done, click Next.
At the Phone Number and Email window, decide who can look you up on Facebook by your phone number and email address, then click Next. At the Search Engines window, make sure to turn off the switch for Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile? Click Next.
Back in 2015, Facebook rolled out profile image frames, aligned with sports teams initially, which gave users a simple, customized way to share their support for their favorite team in the app. Facebook expanded on that over the coming years, and opened up the capacity for users to create their own frames and at one stage, there were thousands of potential options for profile frames available via its Frames Gallery in the app.
Important: If any sites prompt you to use Google Authenticator for two-factor authentication, note that you can always substitute the Authy 2FA app instead. Although they work in similar ways, Authy is more feature-rich and allows for multi-device syncing, cloud-backups, and easier account recovery should you change or lose your phone or device. Read more information on the features of Authy here.
1. If my friends list is private, does that mean there is no possibility of this appearing on other peoples feeds? (assuming their friends list is also private) 2. Does this notification still exist, I remember it appearing often with older versions of facebook. 3. Is there any way people could be informed of a new friend?
The Vote Long Beach app is designed to provide registered voters of Long Beach the opportunity to access City of Long Beach Election Information, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere. iPhone and Android device users can simply open the App to quickly locate a Long Beach polling place and view their sample ballot. You will be able to request and track a Vote by Mail ballot as well as receive instant Election results at your finger tips. Getting involved in the Long Beach Election process has never been easier.
Sign up with Alert Long Beach to receive Emergency Notifications to your mobile phone and/or email address.In the event of an emergency, severe weather, or any incident that impacts city operations, a text message and/or voice message will be sent to the cell number and/or email address that you specify.+Learn More
The OHV Area and obstacle course is open Saturdays, Sundays, and major holidays (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day) at 8 a.m. All visitors must exit by 4:30 p.m. Special closures may occur if unusually high water, wildfire or capacity crowds occur.
Due to possible flooding at the OHV over the next couple of weeks, please call the OHV office before heading up the canyon for the most current conditions to make sure the area is going to be open. The OHV fee booth is open on Sat or Sun between 8am-4:00pm. Phone number is 626 910-1235.
Facebook can be accessed from devices with Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. After registering, users can create a profile revealing information about themselves. They can post text, photos and multimedia which are shared with any other users who have agreed to be their "friend" or, with different privacy settings, publicly. Users can also communicate directly with each other with Facebook Messenger, join common-interest groups, and receive notifications on the activities of their Facebook friends and the pages they follow.
A "face book" is a student directory featuring photos and personal information.[26] In 2003, Harvard had only a paper version[28] along with private online directories.[25][29] Zuckerberg told The Harvard Crimson, "Everyone's been talking a lot about a universal face book within Harvard. ... I think it's kind of silly that it would take the University a couple of years to get around to it. I can do it better than they can, and I can do it in a week."[29] In January 2004, Zuckerberg coded a new website, known as "TheFacebook", inspired by a Crimson editorial about Facemash, stating, "It is clear that the technology needed to create a centralized Website is readily available ... the benefits are many." Zuckerberg met with Harvard student Eduardo Saverin, and each of them agreed to invest $1,000 ($1,435 in 2021 dollars[30]) in the site.[31] On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "TheFacebook", originally located at thefacebook.com.[32]
In May 2006, Facebook hired its first intern, Julie Zhuo.[48] After a month, Zhuo was hired as a full-time engineer.[48] On September 26, 2006, Facebook opened to everyone at least 13 years old with a valid email address.[49][50][51] By late 2007, Facebook had 100,000 pages on which companies promoted themselves.[52] Organization pages began rolling out in May 2009.[53] On October 24, 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million ($314 million in 2021 dollars[30]), giving Facebook a total implied value of around $15 billion ($19.6 billion in 2021 dollars[30]). Microsoft's purchase included rights to place international advertisements.[54][55]
On January 15, 2013, Facebook announced Facebook Graph Search, which provides users with a "precise answer", rather than a link to an answer by leveraging data present on its site.[96] Facebook emphasized that the feature would be "privacy-aware", returning results only from content already shared with the user.[97] On April 3, 2013, Facebook unveiled Facebook Home, a user-interface layer for Android devices offering greater integration with the site. HTC announced HTC First, a phone with Home pre-loaded.[98]